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(formerly known as Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Holdings Co., Limited深圳市2024新澳门原料站)
(the “Issuer”)
(Incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)
CNY 1,000,000,000 4.55% Credit Enhanced Bonds Due 2017
(the “Bonds”)
(Stock code: 85714)
and an irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit provided by
China Development Bank Shenzhen Branch
Voluntary Announcement
Change of Name of the Issuer
We refer to our notice of listing dated 28 April 2015 in relation to the listing of the Bonds by way of debt issues to professional investors by Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Holdings Co., Limited(深圳市2024新澳门原料站).
The name of the Issuer has been changed to “Qianhai Financial Holdings Co., Limited”(2024新澳门原料站) with effect from 26 May 2017. The relevant commercial registration procedures required for the change of name have been completed.
The stock short name of the Bonds remains unchanged as “SZ QHFH B1710-R". The stock code of the Bonds remains unchanged as “85714".
The Issuer does not consider the above event would have a material adverse effect on its normal business operation or the ability to meet its debt obligations.
By Order of the Board
Qianhai Financial Holdings Co., Limited
Li Qiang
Shenzhen, 28 June 2017
As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Issuer are Li Qiang, Meng Xiao, Li Jianfeng, Wen Ping, Lin Fan, Tse Yung Hoi and Xie Zhichun.